YEAAAHHHH For LIFEEE! and thank God for this lovely quote ."Be weird. Be random. Be who you are. Because you never know who would love the person you hide". (n/a)-via #ihatequotes
This is a B.I.T.C.H.D.A.Y post hope you like for what i've done to my outfit.. hmm.. i think it's a fashion mistake. Diamond pattern turquoise dress mixed with stripes long sleeves and knee length socks. Awful 'eh? =p . And, i cut my bangs back to the start, so that i can look younger then my real age. lol. Enjoy!

*clef de sol stripe long sleeves
*diamond patterned dress by Mollymio
*belt by MNG
*nolabel stripes knee length socks
*Mary Jane by Charming shoes
.special thank's to Ganesokkyd for taking my photos.
.photo location: Gen fm new office corridor.
on this 27th of March i'll also support the Earth Hour Moment and celebrate one of my Band hi mom! 's 3rd years anniversary

----------- it's wishes list moment, yippie !!! -------------

an LG ice cream phone . (note: i really need to change my prev cellphone, it's too awful) =D

Helmut Lang Crackeled Leather Jacket

a simple black maxi dress

finally, a shoes baby. Yeah, i'm dying to see T.U.K shoes!
whoopsie hoopsie! Have a great weekend, ladies.Kisses and hugs!
Lauretha Sudjono
Happy birthday to you,happy birthday dear!
Love the way you combined those patterns!
@julls: thank you my dear. smooochies.
@biatch thika: i love you more than words can say.. let's meetttttt! hahhaha. mwaahhhs
Happy birthday to you :)
Wish you all the best
Anyway, I love the way you combined stripe and diamond patern
Have a nice day
Xoxo nathalie
Ps* exchange link?
Happy birthday to you!
Your outfit is crazy, but it's good to look crazy sometimes! :D
Happy borthday kak..
wish you all the best, god bless you!
Love your outfits, the pattern mixing so awesome :)
heyy i've linked you too. nice to know you :)
xoxo nathalie
congratulations, and btw i love the outfit you are wearing! looks so fun. :)
Happy Birthday!
Loving the pattern mish-mash.
the prints are so fun together!
Happy birthday babe!!!! Luv ur outfit!! Mwah xxx
Happy B-day!
Love the pattern mix, it's so much fun!
happy buffdayyy!
getting older doesn't mean have to look older rite?
btw, thanks for your lovely comment!
but I am a boy, and all the pic in my blog is my sister since I never posted any of my photo yet :)
and once again happy bday!
* I have linked you, and follow you as well. do you mind to link me back? thankiess! mooch
Hi dear, thank you very much for your comment in my blog... what amazing photos you have here :) cute :p
kiss from Portugal and have a nice weekend***
waht a quirky yet hip outfit here!! love it!
Happpyyyy Birthdayyyyyy!
Love your style, you look great!
tweet tweet tweet
OMG, I'm so jealous of your hair! Btw, thanks for leaving comment on my blog, much appreciated! :)
great mix of patterns, look so cool.
Happy B-day.
thanks for your comment!
Happy birthday :) Cute shooes
hey...happy bday lady!!! hope u had a great day and have a fab yr ahead!!
Happy birthday<3
and thanks for your loovelu comment.
See you again on my blog!
happy birthday lauretha, i like stripes,,,
thanksssss so muchiess for your link! yap correct that is my elder sister :D
love to see you updating soon :D
happy belated birthday!
and awesome socks :) i'm following
happy birthday! great outfit btw :)
Happy Birthday! I love that jacket. Have a great day!
Happy birthday! Love your dress!
happy birthday! and thank you so much for the comment!!
I love the contrasting patterns here!
Two thumbs up on the outfit, Sweetie!
I love it!
I'm a sucker for stripes!
Happy birthday sweetie!
I love your whole outfit... you are so cool! xoxo
Thank you so much =))
Amazing Outfit!
Happy birthday!!!
Your shoes are lovely :)
R xo
It's Cohen
Happy belated birthday! I remember 25 was an amazing time. Such a bold outfit and you wear it so well!
Happy belated birthday! I love the crazy outfit.
Hehe, you're so funny! I love that quote too, and your bangs look adorable. Nice combining patterns, and I'm all over that leather jacket... drool.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and thanks for commenting on my blog!
happy birthdays, love!
miss you too
you look very stunning with stripes and check pattern, great combo!
This outfit is so amazing! Really different from all you can see from the other blogs! Really awesome!
Happy B-day hun! 25 is a ripe, prime age!
I actually love the outfit. I think sometimes mixing patterns turn out well, and I likey.
Also T.U.K. shoes make me drool ;O
why are you soooo gorgeous and cool darling?????
btw, happy birthdayyy darling.. forgot to type this major thing! :DD have a blast and please be even more gorgeous!!
thank fort the comment!
happy belate?! : )
im totallly diggin this outfit.
happy bitchday! hehehe i thought life begins at 40? but anyway you should make yours begin from now :) and i don't think you made a fashion mistake.. there should be no right and wrong in fashion :)
LOVE the mix of checks and stripes! xoxo
I love the helmut lang jacket!
thanks for your comment@ visit again!
& this is great - so wrong it's right!
I really want that Helmut Jacket, georgeous.
Factory Girl
friggin love ur pattern clash outfit !
you managed to pull it off effortlessly !
michelle || glisters and blisters
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