Last night i just had an argument with mum, kinda hard argument of defending perception of minds. First i ended up crying in the corner of my room, but later still i had to be brave and talked to her once more to clear the missed perceptions. It's not easy for me to start the convo, guess my ego was huge as mountain. But i broke my doubt, i did talk to her briefly and clearly. Praying she will understand my thought, well God hear my prayer. She listened to me well, and i made apology for what i've done wrong to her so far. Lesson learnt, people. And i'm RELIEVED NOW.

Homburg hat by ZARA// Parka ASOS // Flowery dress by TOPSHOP //heart patterned tights by TOPSHOP // zebra fur creepers unbranded

Thats really great you can go back and resolve the conflict, good stuff! All the best going forward from there.
Fantastic photos, I love the location. X
Thanks for your comment! I love the tights/dress/parka combination. And I saw on your profile that you're from Indonesia, my grandmother was from Indonesia :) and I always hate arguing with my mom it's just really not fun xxx
Hey Sweetie!
Thank you so much for lovely comment.
I totally adore your blog and I'm gonna follow you and visit often <3
I love your pictures. You're such a beautiful girl. Keep blogging !
you wrote it really nice ! great post :)
i like your oufit . cute dress:)
Gorgeous tights! You look hot with that red lips
Sorry you had an argument with your mother. Glad that you were able to workout out.
You have a cute outfit, but I'm amazed you put on such a heavy coat when it looks so warm out. Its cute though.
love the parka! can't wait for winter, so i can finally bring mine out.
sometimes we need those little lessons and to resolve conflicts in our own ways. so glad that everything worked out. these images are just beautiful!
xo TJ
nie the stocking!
this is nice:)
awesome pict, love your lips
cara memakai jilbab segi empat
Thanks !
You have a beautiful style ! :)
pretty pictures!!
u are so inspiring!
following you, hope you follow me back?:)
Such a cute, fun outfit. Love the hat and parka so much. They give the outfit a more earthy feel.
I'm new to your blog, but I love it! If you had time to check out my blog too, that would be awesome.
amazing photos :)
Hi beauty! I really like your dress, is so cute and lovely... :) Btw, your blog is really original and chic. Would you like to follow each other? xoxo
You look so well!
Wow that so brave you took the first step! I can learn from you, I'm never take the first step to talk with my parent when we have a conflict!
Great pictures as well! Love your style and you look so sweet!
love your top-to-toe outfit!
gorgeous picts! <3
I like your tights! very cute))
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