1. I never eat sushi ever, until Lucy push me to eat that with her dutch boyfriend in this early 2009. uwghh.. i just can't deal with the undone meat. But now i styart to like 'em! though it taste too strange on my indonesee tongue.lol
2. I can't drive a motorcycle or even drive a car. I don't have such guts to learn it. It's just beacuse my parents are too overcare of me " the so called single daughter". They don't want me get injured, even a little. c'mon Ma, dad! i'm not that fragile as you thought! ggrhhh
3. Too scared of those darkness and superstitions stuffs. Because, i heired the half of my dad's psychic abilities
4. I never sleep alone. Always need someone to sleep beside me.
5. I can eat CAVIAR and SMELT ROE 6 timen in a row! love..love it!
6. I do hate the feeling of hang over. Darn! makes me wanna shot my own head!
7. I am an Asexual person..hmm wondering what's the meaning? gonna figured it out yourself! lol
8. I don't use any air conditioner. My parents hate it, and i do too. I can't sleep well with the aircon turn on.
9. I did THRIFTING ADVENTURE since i was 8 years old until now. My dad loves VINTAGE stuffs very much, and he took me to the thrifted markets every sunday morning. Dad searched for his good stuffs.. and me.. my own business to find such lotta VINTAGE or USED DRESS.
10. I am a totally boyish.. inside and out. My Dad wanted to have a baby boy when i was born. That's why he taught me to be as tough as boy. but now i know it's not too good for a female born kid. But, i'n happy for this lesson. Dad built me to be a very strong and tough daughter.. but sometimes a fragile creature!(this last numebr dedicated to my late Dad, may he rest in God's arm now eternally. I love you!

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