Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Gnome

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We both Admire the works of PINK FLOYD

This is shaula, my biggie little sister! I love her so very much.. and i couldn't live a day without her. Shout! you'll never leave me ever, will ya! I'll be your greatest sister ever alive. I love you! A little teaser,SHE BANGS THE DRUMS to the one of the band i've managed POLKA POLIZEI

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hey you! congrats for the the big 30 finalist of LA LIGHTS INDIEFEST this JULY 25th! Do what you have to the MAXIMUM!


Caroline Robianto said...

congratulations to your friend cun :D eh gimana kabar themoggi??

Lauretha Sudjono said...

thx cunnn!! the moggi.. msh gue maenin di program gue..!

INBERT StreetStyle said...

Congratulation buat temanmu yah... Btw nice T-shirt hohoho....


HoneyBunny said...

Cool pics! Love that 4th one;) the tees are amazinbg

INBERT StreetStyle said...

Hey you've been tagged by me (www.inbert-streetstyle.blogspot.com). Thx u so much...


t a l i s h a said...

cool sist.. great sisterhood love.. she;s so lucky to have a sist like you. (: