Saturday, March 14, 2009

cover up the mist!


here she is! came out after the mist! hey it's only me..don't be afraid kiddo!
it's the sidewalk nearby my office, the radio station of RRI Surabaya. thx for lucy..(again) for captured this. Thank's cong! It was a few second before we leave the city and having lots of fun outtown for 3 days. Whatta wonderful busy day holiday it was.


Talking about my hometown, Surabaya, you should know the most well known river in the city that covers up east java. And i took a pict right here above the river. As VOX sings SURABAYA #1, I would like to sing it too.hhehe..! Check them out here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mbak eee wes tak link kok, lihat deeehhhhh, hehehee ayo ke link en yooo hehehee thx